1. Asian chocs: get some chocolates, piece them up, & then in the pan they go, boil them up or steam or heat them up too... & then after it, serve them or set them into some molds...
2. & yeah, after its liquid, get some ice creams or creams or milk or mint or some liquors or even some creamy coffee or get some honey into it, "anything creamy, really... or cheesy or white as snow, into them" or any flavourings into it (strawberries, bramblerries, cranberries... oranges)...
3. & then, b'ake them up into the oven on a stove (preheated oven 350-375 Celsius)....
4. Serve along with some other dishes (rice, BBQs, or crisps or french fries or etc, or whateva. damn this shit, or fuck it).... or lets not mind it for right nao... & some teas (red/green).
Oh well, oh well, so long after thats done & said here or there, just drop or grant me some comments! I bid ya all farewell too! Ev'ning... Which thine fancy better eh? XDD Be perfectly honest with me too in fact! Lets man teh harpoons guys or gals! Or everyone here!
Chocos along with Honey & green Teas!
Mint Chocos with creams!
Strawberry Chocolates!