Friday, February 8, 2013

Recipe 77: Foods from or off the Trolley’s please!

What’s the matter with thee please; Hey Folks or Welcome everyone; so fine a or good an evening; Mine Fine  Sieur or Mine MIss Madam Rowling, come here please or Hello Dear Diary? I am Dame Lily Evans Potter or Miss Hermione Jeanne Granger! How are ye all? Might I suggest to thee; Mine Young Miss or Mine Lord Sir:

I’m about to make a spoof about & a glory to Harry Potter’s foods: please mind ye some bonbons or sweets or various flavours (vanilla, cinnamons; fine herbs) ; choco-frogs; Firewhiskey; Butter-beers or Bento’s or nevermind; please come again; I’d bid ye all Goodbye! All foods from the Trolley’s!

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Hebergeur d'image

Hebergeur d'image

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