1. Get some flour or dough, or some red bean or green ones or red tea & etc...
2. Roll the beans in the dough or flour... with ya fingertips, close them or it with waves or some shapes... as ya will really....
3. Get them in a pan or boilin tool or a cooker, cook, boil them or steam them up... within 2-5 mins, or till they're edible or cooked, not raw.. or till they're all tender.... or drop in or get in some tea leaves, some petals like or alon the rose petals & sakura ones...
4. Get them out when they're done with, & enjoy or feast on them... hath it ever spurred ya or have ya ever thought to eat it? how ya thought about it?
Mochis with flour & sweet
Hmmm, not sure if I would like that. In the picture the dough looks undercooked.
never had one. do you use any sauce????
Nop, just red beans... or green ones... XDD
It tastes sweet, huh? I would have guessed it was more tart. What's the texture like?
Well, its moar alon the lines of a dessert indeed... kinda soft, but not so... XDDD
I'd have to agree that the dough doesn't look cooked; or is it supposed to look like that?
yeah kinda, half-cooked, not so much cooked...
Interesting. the name is funny, it reminds me of certain place in mexico.
I don't think I have ever tried them. I'd like to give them a try.
ya should give it a go Kay! XDDD
Does it have to be just red bean or can we put something else in there?
only with red/green beans or teas, inside, or sesame even... XDD
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